Revised Provisional Merit List for School of Dentistry, Session 2024-25

Revised Provisional Merit List for Admission in Public Sector Medical and Dental colleges under the Administrative Control of Federal Government. Session 2024-2025


  1. This list is absolutely provisional and is subject to correction/revision/amendment in case of any error, omission, lapse, mistake, fraud, or misrepresentation that occurs or is brought to the notice of University Authorities within due time.
  2. Mere figuring in this Order of Merit shall not confer any right of the candidate if he/she is otherwise found ineligible on detection of any error/mistake/fraud/misrepresentation at any stage of admission.
  3. Candidate names in this Provisional Merit List of Medical / Dental Colleges is ABSOLUTELY PROVISIONAL. It shall in no way confer upon them any right to claim admission in any college.
  4. This list is provisional and may be subject to amendment/correction, after the scrutiny process of submitted documents from the prospective candidates. This list in no way create any legal or vested right.
  5. Final merit lists will be published after thorough verification of documents.
  6. If more than one candidate is equal up to four decimals, the candidate older in age shall stand higher in merit.